Monday, May 11, 2009

Sorry for being such a jerk: the Evening Standard

Love means never having to say you're sorry.

So, in an audacious out-of-home ad campaign, the London-based Evening Standard newspaper is apologizing to readers, who have fallen out of love with it for its past conservative-based coverage.

Over the past couple of months, readership of the Evening Standard has fallen five per cent to just over 263,000.

The above poster is only the tip of the iceberg. In other treatments, the paper apologizes for being complacent, negative, predictable, and "taking you for granted."

The campaign signifies a makeover for the paper by its new owner, former KGB Agent Alexander Lebedev (I'm not making this up), who has turned over a new leaf on the paper's design and politics: recent focus groups apparently pegged the paper as "right wing" and "preoccupied with crime."

Interestingly, in today's Evening Standard, there's a story about a tycoon who refuses to apologize to his wife for a 10-year secret affair. He says:
"As far as I'm concerned, I have done nothing wrong - in fact, I look upon myself as having been a good husband."
Come back, Evening Standard, all is forgiven.

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