Sunday, November 28, 2010

My favorite Winnipeg public art - '10

1. The giving tree (intersection of Corydon and Harrow)

2. The poll pole (Osborne Village)

Stick the green sticker on the place you like, stick the red sticker on the place you don't. That's one for Corydon and one for the airport, respectively. 

3. The curious pole (The Children's Museum, The Forks)

When is a pole not just a pole? When someone writes "penis" on it!

4. The evil bike rack (Broadway near Hargrave)

5. The skeletal dog (Club Regent)

Pirates of the Caribbean called - they want their dog back.

6. The Jetsons Walkway (Convention Centre to City Place)

7. The Bailey's stained-glass window

8. The Cable in Joint sidewalk flare (all around town)

9. Art you can see through (Hotel Fort Garry walkway)

10. The Bubbler of Princess St. (or is that the princess of Bubbler St.?)


  1. I saw a middle aged balding dude trying to take a picture of the sidewalk with his iPhone...then I realized it was a public art stint, "old guy tries to learn how to use his phone." I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't have an iPhone, so unfortunately the opportunity was wasted.


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