Monday, November 12, 2012

14 new words to put in your ladybinders

See number 6. 

1. Cleanspiracy - The alleged plot to clean one's house, as perceived by a hoarder. 

2. Croperly - To suitably improve framing. 

3. Documockumentary - Shooting a nonfictional motion picture about a satirical work presented in the style of a nonfictional motion picture. See number eight. 

4. Ficture - A photoshopped photo.

5. GingerPrince - Entitled, redheaded manchild. 

6. Ladybinders - Mitt's cover for holding loose ladypapers. 

7. Menote Address - An address ostensibly of great importance to everyone, but - in reality - only of importance to the person delivering it. Example: "In 1985, who could have foreseen that the world would change forever...for me?"

8. Mockudocumockumentary - Shooting a satirical work presented in the style of a nonfiction motion picture of a nonfictional motion picture about a satirical work presented in the style of a nonfictional motion picture. See number three. 

9. Refirement - The point where you stop employment to "spend more time with your family" to avoid being fired to do the same. 

10. Rememberies - A person's power to remember memories.  

11. Romoney - Lot's of money. Example: "I'm doing well, but I don't make Romoney."

12. Snarkasm - An especially bitter remark. 

13. Spincompetence - Having only the skills to make others believe that you have the necessary skills.

14. Thrilogy - A set of three, new Star Wars films that no one expected, for example.

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